
behavioural research lab


World Youth Event 2023 Experiment/Lottery – View winning numbers


XLAB – Behavioural Research Lab is a laboratory for exploring decision-making and economic, political, and social behaviour. It is located at the Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG), ULisboa and it is supported by the research consortium PASSDA.

Our goal is to collect data and support research in social sciences, creating knowledge for the development of public policies that can shape the lives of citizens and businesses. We perform focus groups, laboratory experiments, and surveys.

Along the way we bring together researchers, students, and the wider community. We provide students with an opportunity to enrich their academic experience and to inform their career paths. And we offer all participants an opportunity actively contribute to the process of knowledge creation.

Resources: We have two lab rooms located on the second floor of the building Francesinhas 2 at ISEG. Lab 1 features 20 workstations equipped with the most widely-used software for developing and conducting experiments. Lab 2 has eye tracking technology, a BIOPAC system for psycho-physiological measurements, a one-way observation mirror, and space for meetings and focus groups.


Joana Pais

Joana Pais

Joana Pais (PhD in Economics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2005) is a Professor at Lisbon School of Economics & Management (ISEG) – ULisboa, the coordinator of the M.Sc. in Economics, and currently a member of the Board of the research centres UECE – Research Unit on Complexity and Economics and REM – Research in Economics and Mathematics. Her research interests include areas such as behavioural and experimental economics, game theory, matching theory, and market design. She has published on these topics in journals like Economic Theory, Experimental Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, and International Economic Review.

Rui Costa Lopes

Rui Costa Lopes

Rui Costa Lopes (PhD in Social Psychology, ISCTE, 2009) is a Research Fellow at ICS – ULisboa, and a visiting Assistant Professor at the School of Human Sciences – Catholic University of Portugal. In his research he uses both extensive correlational studies (i.e. European Social Survey) and experimental studies. His research interests are fundamentally related to intergroup relations, prejudice, discrimination and decision making. His work has been published in journals such as the European Journal of Social Psychology and Frontiers in Psychology.

Sandra Maximiano

Sandra Maximiano

Sandra Maximiano (PhD in Economics, University of Amsterdam, 2007) is an Associate Professor of Economics at ISEG, ULisboa. Before joining ISEG, she was an Assistant Professor at Purdue University and a Research fellow at University of Chicago. Her research crosscuts different fields: behavioural and experimental economics, labour and organizational economics, public policy, and information management. Sandra focuses on exploring questions related to social and moral preferences, gender differences in economic decisions, and the interplay of information in competitive and cooperative environments. She primarily uses laboratory and field experiments to learn about human economic behaviour and collect data. Her work has been published in journals such as Review of Economic Studies, Economic Journal, Experimental Economics and Games and Economic Behavior. Since 2015 Sandra is the author of a weekly column – &conomia à 6ª – in the Portuguese newspaper Expresso.

Ricardo Rodrigues

Ricardo Rodrigues

Ricardo Rodrigues (PhD in Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, UK, 2016) is an Assistant Professor at the Lisbon School of Economics & Management (ISEG) – Ulisboa, and member of the Board of the Research Centre for Economic and Organisational Sociology – SOCIUS. His research interests include inequalities in health and use of care, the impact of caregiving on health and labour market outcomes and user choice and quasi-markets of care. His research findings have been published in the scientific journal of the Gerontology Society of America, The Journals of Gerontology, as well as in the Journal of European Social Policy, Health Economics and the International Journal of Equity in Health, among others.


Field Experiment at World Youth Event 2023

  During the World Youth Event 2023 in Lisbon, at the Forgiveness Park, the research team composed of Sandra Maximiano (ISEG), João Pereira dos Santos (ISEG), António Silva (ISEG) e Susana Peralta (NOVA SBE), conducted a field experiment with the pilgrims. To incentivize the behaviour of the participants in the experiment, we promised to select […]

August 20, 2023

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Guest Speakers IMEBESS Lisbon 18-20 May at ISEG: Abigail Barr (Nottingham), Alexander Cappelen (NHH), Ryan Enos (Harvard), Eleonor Power (LSE). Registration open at imebess.org

February 14, 2023

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Rua das Francesinhas

Edifício Francesinhas 2, piso 2, salas 206 e 208

1200-781 Lisboa, Portugal

T 213 922 805

E passda.xlab@gmail.com / xlab@iseg.ulisboa.pt