
behavioural research lab


Consumers’ acceptance of online pension investment advice relies on firm characteristics

While accounting for interaction satisfaction and demographics, C. Lourenço, B. Dellaert, and B. Donkers find that consumers’ perceptions of trust in and expertise of a firm providing online pension investment advice are important drivers of advice acceptance, and that these two constructs are clearly influenced by two key firm characteristics, profit orientation (for-profit vs. not-for-profit) and […]

May 15, 2019

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Women earn more than men in a matrilineal society

This is one result of the paper “On the Cultural Basis of Gender Differences in Negotiation” by S. Andersen, S. Ertac, U. Gneezy, J. A. List, and S. Maximiano, recently published in Experimental Economics. The authors use data from a lab in the field experiment and a natural field experiment to explore the negotiation culture in […]

May 14, 2019

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Dynamics matters in implementing matching algorithms

In University admissions, students submit rankings of courses to a matchmaker and an algorithm produces a matching of students to courses. In “Static versus Dynamic Deferred Acceptance in School Choice: Theory and Experiment“, published in Games and Economic Behavior, the authors F. Klijn, J. Pais, and M. Vorsatz show that students learn to play the […]

May 10, 2019

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Research opportunities at XLAB

XLAB is seeking undergraduated volunteer students. We are providing a research opportunity and experience in ISEG’s behavioural research laboratory. Research assistants are not session participants. They perform a variety of research activities (e.g., help run the experiments, recruit participants). Interest in social sciences is a plus. Research assistants are volunteer positions with no financial compensation. […]

May 9, 2019

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