
behavioural research lab


Our main goal is to run experiments and set up studies that promote the PASSDA consortium objectives. The research conducted at XLAB – Behavioural Research Lab is about attitudes and economic, political, and social behavior. We run experimental studies, focus groups, and surveys.

If you want to use XLAB’s facilities, please:

  1. contact us to check if and when it is possible to run your study at XLAB;
  2. this contact must be supported by the following documents:
  • ethical approval from the host institution of the main researcher or of the project – if you belong to an ISEG research centre, you can find the form here; it is highly recommended that you read the documentation published by ISEG’s Ethics Committee;
  • ethical commitment, properly identified and signed;
  • informed consent form, stamped and signed by the host institution of the main researcher or of the project – if you are part of an ISEG’s research centre you may find your consent form template here.